Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is a report provided?

No. We do the best we can according to your preferences and our publishing constraints. This way of working allows us to preserve our network of sites and to allocate our energy and time to the technical realization of the missions. This is not suitable for at least 90% of our clients, who are looking for tailor-made advice, wish to discuss their strategy or question our reliability and efficiency of service. For others, this way of working offers an attractive price/quality ratio, because setting up the service in this way is simple for us and little time-consuming.

Is it possible to choose the spots where the links are located?

No, the lists are kept secret, in order to protect customers and our network of sites. You have to trust us to place your links, which we will do according to your instructions.

On what types of sites will the links appear?

We manage about one thousand websites. All of them use old and themed domain names, with sometimes succinct but well-kept contents, varied designs and different owners and hostings. For each request, we select the sites with the most suitable topics, giving priority to those with the best metrics.

What are the metrics of the pages where the links are placed?

The metrics differ widely between sites and between pages within a site, and are variable over time. That being said, most links are placed on pages with a TF >5.

Are the links permanent?

Yes, the links we place are never removed. In the case that a site is sold or disappears, the link is placed on another equivalent site. In addition, we sometimes move old links to weaker pages after a while.

Can the destination site be changed?

Yes, this can be requested within two years of going on line, with the replacement of a site that has been switched to https, changed extension or by another site on the same theme. This operation might be billed (50 €).

Is the basic service sufficient to sell links on link platforms?

The most popular sites on French platforms such as Rocketlinks, Soumettre, SEMJuice, Getfluence or NextLevel are generally those with the best metrics. Our offer is an important asset to stand out from other sites, even if your site is free of links before you subscribe to the service. However, a significant number of advertisers also take traffic curves into account, and this aspect is not guaranteed by our service.

Are metrics stable over time?

A slight decrease is likely over the months, as the pages on which your links are placed gradually sink into the structure of the sites.

Are MOZ metrics increasing as well?

Yes, as getuplead explains it, Moz's Domain Authority principle is similar to Trust Flow. The metrics should increase, whatever their name and method of calculation.

More information

Here are a variety of online resources that provide tips and tricks for understanding and improving metrics

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